Volunteer with Us

Volunteer (2)

Volunteers are an integral part of all of CLSF program operations. Individuals who have a desire to participate in our programs are recruited throughout the year from within the community to serve in a variety of capacities, such as:

  • Meal service worker (serving and bussing)
  • Food preparer and meal packer
  • Instructor in ESL/Citizenship, Nutrition Education, or Arts and Crafts classes
  • Mentor students for their USCIS Citizenship interview 
  • Consumer satisfaction survey interviewer
  • Assistant to Executive Director in organizing annual fundraising event

Interested in Volunteering?

Please fill out our volunteer interest form:


“Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.”

“A los voluntarios no se les paga, no porque no tienen valor alguno, sino porque son invaluables.”


—Sherry Anderson

Job Opportunities

To apply, please email resume to Jake Simons: jake@centrolatinodesf.org